Longman robust
3 a robust object is strong and not likely to break SYN sturdy
Sağlam bir nesne güçlüdür ve sağlam bir şekilde kırılması olası değildir.
4 showing determination or strong opinions
Kararlılık güçlü bir adım sağlar.
5 robust food or flavours have a good strong taste
Sağlam yiyecekler güçlü bir tat veya aromaya sahiptir.
robustly (zarf) Sağlam
Robust ingilizce kelimesi sonuna ly eki aldığı zaman zarf eki almış olur ve sağlam olur kelime.
robustness (sağlamlık)
• Life on Earth is enormously robust.
• Though he was over seventy, he was still robust and active.
• In contrast this very basic technique is robust and computationally simple.
• Compact Flash memory is about the most robust digital film.
• Mrs. Lutu is a robust, energetic mother of four.
• Commendable to see such robust energy at work.
• On the night the estimation within the political class was that Gore had consolidated a robust if narrow lead.
• He was a robust little boy, with curly dark hair.
• He wore a tweed jacket over a dark blue turtle-necked jersey and he had a robust mod mustache.
• Liz had a more robust notion of the self, and took another line on the individual’s place in the structure.
• Less robust persons might need a siesta, but Eva worked right through from dawn till dusk.
• Use robust plants, rocks and bogwood, and include some floating plants for this surface swimmer.
• Paul travelled north to visit his parents, who he found less robust than before.
• The chair was more robust than it looked.
Robust kelime kökeni 1500 yıllara kadar gitmektedir latin kökenli olan kelime Latin robustus “güçlü (meşe ağacı gibi)”, robur “meşe, kuvvet” ten gelir.